Equipment Supply

The purpose of the Equipment Supply and Maintenance programme is to help reduce the amount of time that is spent sourcing the right non-OEM equipment and services for your workshop. As we understand, workshop equipment supply is currently fragmented among specialist local suppliers.

Benefits of Equipment Supply and Maintenance:

Areas of most interest to workshops are:


  • lifts, ramps, jacks


  • waste storage solutions


  • spill control equipment


  • lubricant inventory/monitoring systems


  • brake testers/rollers


  • diagnostic & calibration equipment


  • calibration service

We can help reduce the amount of time that is swallowed up in sourcing the right non-OEM equipment and services for your workshop. Just as important, we can eliminate the headache of locating the most appropriate maintenance contractors for key tasks such as equipment calibration. Simply call us in.

Our approach at Bulwark is to assist you to become more efficient by providing you with an integrated supply solution for vital workshop equipment and support services that are not OEM specific. We can work with you from initial concept through to completion, and beyond.

By combining our experience and knowledge with that of high calibre third-party suppliers, we are able to offer you advice and solutions for waste storage, spill prevention and control, lubricant equipment and inventory monitoring, and equipment calibration.

We can also help you get your workshop re-designed and locate essential ancillary equipment such as lifts, ramps, jacks and brake testers.

Key benefits for your business

  • Reduce the time and administrative cost of dealing
    with multiple suppliers

  • Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your equipment is serviced regularly and so is safe and in good working order

  • Improve lubricant stock management and reduce wastage

To discuss how we can help you plan and deploy an efficient, modern equipment infrastructure strategy, please contact your local Bulwark representative.